Rental Cash Damming

Click the button below to learn more about Rental Cash Damming

What you’ll learn…

Section 1: Leverage your mortgage to get ahead

If you’re like most Canadians, you may not be aware your mortgage is perhaps the most powerful and flexible financial tool at your disposal. Learn how you can use it to make meaningful headway on your path to financial freedom.

Section 2: Think “wealthy” & gain an edge

Wealthy Canadians have used this financial technique for decades to maintain their financial advantage. And now you can too…We’ll explore the history behind the strategy, why it works, and how you can use it to gain an edge financially

Section 3: Structure your debt for max efficiency

Learn how to structure your mortgage for tax efficiency and reduce the taxes you pay. Then reeinvest your refunds to accelerate the pay down of your mortgage and build additional wealth, simply by making your regular mortgage payment.


RESP vs Rental


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